Steam bot update 8.2.
1. Steam microban. Due to the imposed restrictions on the number of requests to Steam, we were forced to completely switch to receiving information about items from our servers, which «parse» the entire Steam market. Previously, when updating buy or sell orders, the program took information about items directly from Steam. We recommend using Stars and Exclusions, where you can specify the price limits in which the program will work. If you choose Autobuy or Autosell, then remember that information about the prices of items may be delayed as it is received from our servers. Next, we will try to improve (speed up) the «parsing» of information about items from our servers.
Steam bot update 7.6.
1. Proxy support. Instructions on how to create your own proxy server.
2. If the story from Steam has not loaded, then take the story from cache.
3. The development of the search for the desired item among the sell orders within the item card has begun. You can see in the «Load sell orders» menu and a new parameter «Load sell orders» in the settings.
Steam bot update 7.3.
1. Added the ability to configure and send reports from the program to your email in notifications (Every day, Every week, Every month). With each update, the reports will be more informative.
2. Bugs fix.
Steam bot update 7.0.
1. The interface of the program has been changed.
2. The software selectors will display only the inventories you selected on the main tab.
3. Added inventories CMTY (community steam) and RUST.
4. Now the auto buy filter, buy script and sell script are downloaded from remote servers. The filter / script will be loaded automatically if the filter / script is empty in your settings. Click Reset in the context menu and you will download the current filter / script from remote servers.
Steam bot update 6.9.
1. The program will log out from all devices and re-authorize if an authorization error occurs.
2. You can create up to 1000 buy orders for each game.
3. Some items have the wrong average price (avg24) — Fixed, but still needs to be tested.
4. The password is not automatically recreated if the status change notification is not activated in the program — Fixed!
5. Changed purchase script.
Steam bot update 6.7.
1. Steam authorization broke. — Fixed!
2. Items that were bought and sold on the same day are not loaded into analytics. — Fixed!
3. In the table History Buy and Sell is always zero. — Fixed!
Steam bot update 6.6.
1. Added games PUBG and Killing Floor 2.
2. Added menu to script fields. Right click to call.
3. Added a Reset button to reset the script to its default value.
4. Incorrectly sorts in the Market table. — Fixed!
5. Added sorting to the Market table by inventory, favorites, exclusions, black list, in purchase and in sale.
6. Added «Description» column to the Market table, How to buy, How to sell.
7. Incorrectly loads the balance in the Ukrainian currency. — Fixed!
Added «des» parameter, which is available in Autobuy. This parameter stores the description of the item, including the type that you see in the item card. For example, in CSGO you can find items with the description of «The Prisma 2 Collection» like this: des LIKE {% The Prisma 2 Collection%}.
Steam bot update 6.4.
1. Added a modal window with auto update settings. You can manually update the program through the auto update modal window. You can choose which scripts to update.
2. Bugs fix.
Steam bot update 6.3.
1. Added «Auto update». Click on «Auto update» to update your version of the program. Activate «Auto update» and «Restart the program every N minutes» to automatically update the program if a new update is released.
2. Bugs fix.
1. Bug fix.
1. Steam microban. Due to the imposed restrictions on the number of requests to Steam, we were forced to completely switch to receiving information about items from our servers, which «parse» the entire Steam market. Previously, when updating buy or sell orders, the program took information about items directly from Steam. We recommend using Stars and Exclusions, where you can specify the price limits in which the program will work. If you choose Autobuy or Autosell, then remember that information about the prices of items may be delayed as it is received from our servers. Next, we will try to improve (speed up) the «parsing» of information about items from our servers.
1. Fix micro ban.
1. Fix micro ban.
1. Fix steam micro ban.
1. Games added:
Hero Siege
Primal carnage extiction
Golf with your friends
Golf it
Don't Starve Together
Project Winter
1. Bugs fix.
1. Proxy support. Instructions on how to create your own proxy server.
2. If the story from Steam has not loaded, then take the story from cache.
3. The development of the search for the desired item among the sell orders within the item card has begun. You can see in the «Load sell orders» menu and a new parameter «Load sell orders» in the settings.
1. Added the ability to configure and send reports from the program to your email in notifications (Every day, Every week, Every month). With each update, the reports will be more informative.
2. Bugs fix.
1. Automatic detection of the currency of the steam account.
2. Bugs fix.
1. Bugs fix.
1. The interface of the program has been changed.
2. The software selectors will display only the inventories you selected on the main tab.
3. Added inventories CMTY (community steam) and RUST.
4. Now the auto buy filter, buy script and sell script are downloaded from remote servers. The filter / script will be loaded automatically if the filter / script is empty in your settings. Click Reset in the context menu and you will download the current filter / script from remote servers.
1. The program will log out from all devices and re-authorize if an authorization error occurs.
2. You can create up to 1000 buy orders for each game.
3. Some items have the wrong average price (avg24) — Fixed, but still needs to be tested.
4. The password is not automatically recreated if the status change notification is not activated in the program — Fixed!
5. Changed purchase script.
1. Bugs fix.
1. Steam authorization broke. — Fixed!
2. Items that were bought and sold on the same day are not loaded into analytics. — Fixed!
3. In the table History Buy and Sell is always zero. — Fixed!
1. Added games PUBG and Killing Floor 2.
2. Added menu to script fields. Right click to call.
3. Added a Reset button to reset the script to its default value.
4. Incorrectly sorts in the Market table. — Fixed!
5. Added sorting to the Market table by inventory, favorites, exclusions, black list, in purchase and in sale.
6. Added «Description» column to the Market table, How to buy, How to sell.
7. Incorrectly loads the balance in the Ukrainian currency. — Fixed!
1. The parameter Maximum balance should not take into account the money balance on Steam.
1. Added a modal window with auto update settings. You can manually update the program through the auto update modal window. You can choose which scripts to update.
2. Bugs fix.
1. Added «Auto update». Click on «Auto update» to update your version of the program. Activate «Auto update» and «Restart the program every N minutes» to automatically update the program if a new update is released.
2. Bugs fix.
1. The program will recreate the password and try to start if the status is Buy a license.
2. Bugs fix.
Click on Password on the Main page of the program to re-generate the password.
Added currencies ARS, ILS, KZT, KWD, QAR, CRC, UYU
Bugs fixed.
Bugs fixed.
Bugs fixed.
Bugs fixed.
Bugs fixed.
Bugs fixed.
Settings are not compatible.
Bugs fixed.
Bugs fixed.
1. Tables take a long time to load if there is a long history of purchases and sales. — fixed!
1. Changed default scripts.
2. Bugs fixed.
Bugs fixed.
Bugs fixed.
1. Bugs fixed.