Last news

Dear users, in this post we have collected the latest news and updates:

1. Create floating IP addresses. A floating IP address can be set to any server at any time and in any location. There is also another way to quickly change the IP address of the server — this is 1) Create a snapshot (copy) of the server. 2) Create a new server from the…
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Last news

Create a server with a Windows operating system

Added the ability to automatically install:
— Windows Server 2019 English
— Windows Server 2016 Russian

After creating the server, you can immediately connect via windows remote connection through your computer to your created server.

Do not forget to change the generated default password from the operating system!

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Create a server with a Windows operating system

Update TM bot 41.6

1. Does not sort in the Market table. — Fixed!
2. Added sorting in the Market table by inventory, favorites, exclusions, blacklist, in purchase and in sale.
3. Added parameter popSteam — this is the popularity of the item on Steam. 1 is the most popular item.
4. The steamPrice parameter has been changed to saleSteam.
5. Changed the…
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Update TM bot 41.6

Update TM bot 40.1

1. The parameter [purchaseQty] have been renamed [purchQty].
2. The parameter [minDupSale] not updated immediately — fixed.
3. Changed the Market table in Base. Only 500 items are loaded. Added pagination. Added the Filter field, in which you can write a SQL query to display the necessary information, for example, pop > [100] AND sale> [200]…
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Update TM bot 40.1

Update Steam bot 5.0

1. Added all existing currencies in Steam.
2. Parameters [min], [max], [purchaseQty] have been renamed to [hisMax], [hisMin] and [purchQty].
3. Added parameters [avg24] and [vol24] — this is the average price and number of sales of an item in 24 hours.
4. Added parameters [hisQty] (number of sales for all time) and history[i] (history…
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Update Steam bot 5.0

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